Creative Start-Up Academy

8 steps to get started with your branding

When you have a business, you need to create your branding so that people always recognise your business and make a connection. It helps to build a loyal customer base as well as being remembered.

Which visual identity you choose, which logo you create, the colours you will use as well as your tone of voice and more all should depend on your own preferences, the industry you are in, what is appropriate and of course your ideal client.

Here is the Branding Formula for you – 8 steps t get you started with your branding:

  • Understanding branding
  • Competitors
  • Ideal client
  • Values
  • Mission statement
  • Colours
  • Logo
  • Stationary

Understanding branding

You need to understand what branding means. Most of the time, people think that you create a logo and that’s that. But there is much more to branding. Part of the branding is defining the right colours for you, your tone of voice, the way to reach people – everything about you and your company needs to reflect what you stand for.


Make sure you are looking at the market and what competitors are doing. This will help you to see what the norm is and how you can differentiate yourself from them.

Ideal Client

Make sure you know exactly who it is you want to reach – who is our ideal client that should buy your products or services? Don’t be afraid to be too specific. You need to create your ideal client avatar. It will help you to define your branding the right way that also speaks to your ideal client and will attract them accordingly.


Now this is very important. You need to know what is actually important to you in your business. What values do you hold? They will be reflected in your branding and attract customers accordingly.

Mission statement

What is your mission? Why have you actually started this business? What do you want to achieve? Define your mission statement.


Defining your colours doesn’t mean to say ‘I’m using a blue’. You need to be precise what colours you are using. Start by checking out competitors and what is the norm for the market. Then see how you can be different. Which colours represent your values, your mission? Define the colours with colour codes: CMYK, RGB and HEX. This way you always have the right colours for all materials that you or someone else will create for you.


One you have your colour, mission and name of course – maybe even a tagline – you can design your logo or get your logo designed by someone else. Make sure you give all the info needed to the designer: What the logo actually should say, colour codes, what your business oes, your mission statement, logo examples that represent the style you want, competitor logos.


Creating your business cards and letterhead would be the next thing I recommend you do. You can use beautiful templates that are out there by moo, canva or other companies. Of course you can create your own or get someone else to design something for you.

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