Creative Start-Up Academy

Presentation Gone Wrong – What To Do


Getting a sentence wrong or have a ‘Freudian slip’ can happen. There is nothing you can do about it afterwards. You just have to accept that it happened.

If everyone knows what you meant, just move on and keep talking. If you are out of it and confused, start your sentence again. You can also bluff and say, “Let me start this sentence again…” or “I would like to say it in a different way…”

If the audience is laughing, laugh with them. As soon as it is quieting down again, you can continue.


Yes, that can also happen. What if you forget what you wanted to say? It is not the end of the world. First of all, the audience does not know what you wanted to say. Do they really know if you missed something out? Obviously if it is relevant to your speech or presentation, you will have to mention it.

What can you do? You could give a short summary of what you already talked about. This might help you to remember what you were going to say next.

You can ask the audience if they have any questions up to this point before you move on. This will give you a bit of time to get back into the flow.

If it fits, take a break or open the window to get some air in or take a sip of water.

Or, just tell the audience. Be honest and tell them you forgot what you were going to say. Have a look at your notes and move on.

If you want to learn more about how to become a better presenter and get into public speaking, check out my book ‘The Public Speaking Formula’.

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