Creative Start-Up Academy

How To Be More Productive By Knowing Yourself – Part 3

Part 3 continues with looking into how to be more productive by knowing yourself. If you haven’t read part 1 and part 2 feel free to do so 😊


Yes, everyone talks to oneself. Maybe not out loud but your thoughts are pretty much self-talk. And how we talk to ourselves will have a big effect on how we feel, what we do, how motivated and productive we are.

You should listen to your thoughts in different kind of situations: When you are most productive, when you are stressed, when you feel content, relaxed etc.

Listen to your thoughts. Are they positive or negative? Are you stressed when listening to them? What do you feel? And where can you feel it in your body?


Wanting to be more productive often has to do with having to do too many things. How you deal with stress and improve it will help you to become more productive. But how do you know that you are stressed? This is also something some people struggle with. They get stressed but don’t realize it before it is too late. The first step will be to realise when you get stressed and then you look at how you are dealing with the stress. After that you can analyse what calms you down, what relaxes you.


You need to be aware of your everyday life to be able to make changes that will make you more productive. What does it look like?


Paying attention to something properly means you also have to decide what you won’t pay attention to that day or moment. Focusing on the task or meeting that you are having right in that moment will increase your productivity. If you are talking to someone or having a meeting, make sure you will give that person your full attention. Observe yourself in conversations and remind yourself about this.

If you want to dive deeper and maybe even do the 7-day productivity challenge or the full online course, join the Academy were you have access to it and much more – including a great community!

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