Creative Start-Up Academy

Re-Programme Your Mind For Increased Productivity – Part 1

The past blog posts of the productivity series were already helping you with getting more productive. But all this will not work if you have the wrong mindset. So here is a bit more about re-programme your mind for increased productivity. This is part 1 of a 2-part series.


Having the right mind-set influences your brain. And the best bit is: You can re-programme your brain and therefore your thoughts. Focussing on positive language will help you to create a more positive environment for yourself. If you don’t believe in yourself, you won’t see any progress; you won’t stay motivated and have no fun.  Having a positive mind-set will help you to be more productive as well.

When you set yourself a goal or a task ask yourself the following questions:

  • Do you want to achieve it?
  • Is it actually your goal or did someone else give you the task/goal?
  • Do you deserve achieving it?
  • Do you have/want what you need to achieve it?

If the answer to any of those questions is ’no’, then I suggest, before you move towards your goal or tackle the task, you analyse why you think you don’t deserve it or what it is that you need to achieve it/get it done? Make sure you can answer the questions above with a ‘yes’ before proceeding.


As mentioned above, you can influence what you are thinking and re-programme your brain to think more positively. The brain cannot distinguish between ‘real’ or ‘fake’ thoughts. If you keep telling your brain something, it will start believing it. Sounds a bit strange but this is really the case. Having this knowledge, why not using it to your advantage? The first step towards having a more positive mind-set is to actually listen to yourself. How do you talk to yourself, to others and how are others talking to you? Which words are you using?

I want you to use the next few days or even weeks to analyse your language, your actual words that you are using when talking to yourself and that you are using when talking to others. Write down when you spot negative words and thoughts in your language. Then have a look at them and think about how you can turn them into positive ones. Write them next to the negative ones. If you continue doing it, you will see that you are using less and less negative words and you will start seeing things in a more positive light.


Multitasking is out; focussing on a task at a time is in. When multitasking, you are not able to give each task your full attention and it is more likely that you are making mistakes and are less productive overall. Believe me, I have been there. I have been the Queen of multitasking! And yes, I thought I was productive as hell. But when I started doing just one task, one project at a time, I found that I got even more done in less time.

So, let’s get away from multitasking and try ‘single-tasking’.

If you want to dive deeper and maybe even do the 7-day productivity challenge or the full online course, join the Academy were you have access to it and much more – including a great community!

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