Creative Start-Up Academy

Re-Programme Your Mind For Increased Productivity – Part 2

Part one can be read here. Let’s continue 😊


It is proven that writing things down will make it easier for your brain to process things. This also means if you are writing down positive language and statements, your brain will find it easier to absorb. This can be done in a journal with pen and paper or digitally. I prefer pen and paper for the following exercise. This is also something I do every evening for myself and I have seen the positive effects after a short time.

In the evening I write down one positive affirmation, three things I am grateful for and one thing I achieved that day.

This way I finish the day on a positive note and see how great my day was. Knowing I have to write down three things I am grateful for and one thing I achieved that day, makes me look at things throughout the day in a different way and I see positive things happening all day long. I invite you to start your own journal and do the same.

Some people start their day instead of finishing with this exercise – or do it in the morning and evening. This is really up to you. This is for you and you have to find what works for you.


The one thing that you really have to get clear about is that THIS IS YOUR LIFE! You can actually choose what you want to do and what you don’t want to do – in your life, your job, your business. I know you will say, but “my boss told me so” or “but I have to do this because…” But you always have a choice! You might not like the other options but it is your choice. If your boss told you something you have to do and you don’t like it, even don’t like your job – it is your choice to stay in the job. You can also quit and do something else. I am not saying this is easy but you HAVE A CHOICE. Once you realised this, it will help you to keep motivated and see your tasks in a different way. If you are doing something that you don’t like, well, you chose to do it. You can also outsource things if you are running your own business. And we all have to do some things that we don’t like doing as much as other things.

Realising that it is your choice helps you to just get on with it.


Let’s be honest: Almost no one can remember everything. Especially when you have lots to do, you might forget something. Having little helpers like a ToDo list will help you to keep on track, work your way through a long list of tasks and help you to get things done in a more productive way.

One thing to realise is that the To Do list probably will never be empty. This is fine! Things come up every day and new tasks will be put onto the list and new priorities will be set. We will talk about ToDo lists in the ‘tools’ section a bit more but it is worth mentioning that there are lots of ways to have one. Again, it all depends on your way of working.

Do you prefer using apps? Do you want to use pen and paper? Are you using a simple Word document? Find your preferred way of working and stick to it.

If you want to dive deeper and maybe even do the 7-day productivity challenge or the full online course, join the Academy were you have access to it and much more – including a great community!

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