Creative Start-Up Academy

How To Stick To Your Productivity Habits – Part 1

In this blog post, we will look at things that will help you to create and stick with your productivity habits and continuously improve and look for new things. I you have not read the previous blog posts of this productivity series, please do so.


You will have heard that it takes 21 days to manifest a habit. And it is true – at least it is true that it takes a certain amount of days to turn something into a habit. Once you found out how you can integrate a certain activity into your routine, it will become much easier to stick with it and it becomes natural. Here are a few things that I would recommend adding to your routine and making a habit.


Reviewing your ‘system’ on a regular basis will help you to identify things you can improve that will make you even more productive. What is your working routine? What lists do you use or not use? Where do you work? Are you really as productive as you can be? Who is around you when you work? What or who is distracting you? These are just a few things to look at. Make sure you review your workflow and working habits, identify the things that you need and want to improve. Then write down action points on how to change it. Don’t change everything at once because that might lead into you feeling overwhelmed and not changing anything. A step-by-step approach will be the best way to change.


To establish a routine and habit you need to know when something fits best into your current life. Otherwise it will be too hard to create a new habit. Have a look at what you are doing when and find a realistic slot to establish a new habit that you would like to add.


When do you usually work? Is this really the best time for you? We all are different, morning people, evening people, or night owls. When do you feel most motivated to do things? Maybe you don’t have a choice when you work due to the working hours you have to get your work done but if you have the freedom to choose your own hours, analyse what time works best for you and stick to it. You will see an increase in your productivity. If you need a while to wake up in the morning, take this time to do other things that are not work related (exercise, meditate…). If you have to work early hours and don’t have a choice, focus on the tasks that don’t take much of concentration.


I have mentioned this before but would like to add it to your habit creation. Where you work and changing work environments on a regular basis will ensure you will get new ideas and motivation, which will make you more productive. Make it a habit to change your work environment at least once a week.


Make an effort to try something new once a week. This could be a new way to get to work, a new tool you want to try out, a new way of working or eating something new. Trying new things will give your brain new impulses and open you up to improvements.

If you want to dive deeper and maybe even do the 7-day productivity challenge or the full online course, join the Academy were you have access to it and much more – including a great community!

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